Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn during pregnancy is common. This happens because the uterus enlarges, especially after the 20th week, and push the diaphragm presses the stomach, making the stomach contents move into the esophagus. This condition can cause acid reflux. To avoid acid reflux, you should menghindai number of foods that trigger. But what if the reflux trigger foods are healthy foods? Moreover, you certainly do not want to lose the benefits of folic acid and other nutrients to avoid. Let's say it is a healthy food, orange juice. Here is a way around this. 

Heartburn During Pregnancy

Food citrus 

Foods such as oranges, grapes, and tomatoes can make heartburn after eating. The solution: Eat tomatoes with the meat, rather than with a salad. And drink low-acid orange juice after breakfast.

Coffee and Soda 

Caffeinated beverage known as a trigger heartburn. The solution: In addition to limiting the intake of coffee and soda (preferably avoided caffeinated beverages during pregnancy) is always the contents of your stomach before drinking caffeinated beverages. Or choose a soda without caffeine.


There is no solution to alcohol. Alcohol is a drink that you should avoid during pregnancy.

Fatty foods 

Fried foods and fatty foods tend to give the heartburn because it takes a long time to digest. Fat ease stomach acid up and make the food back into the esophagus. The solution is a small select cuts of meat products derived from low-fat milk. Should fatty foods baked instead of fried.


Chocolate is delicious eaten when understood. But if you eat too much will make heartburn. We recommend that you eat in small amounts. Just eat two chocolate bars. We recommend that you do not eat chocolate on an empty stomach.

To relieve heartburn, you can try some of these tips. 

  1. Eating little by little but often, four or five times smaller meals per day. 
  2. Drinking milk and reduce the intake of tea and coffee. 
  3. Do not eat while drinking. 
  4. Reduce food spicy, and fatty acids. 
  5. You can try chewing gum. 
  6. Avoid sitting too upright and slowly sat not too abrupt. 
  7. Avoid alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, as it can trigger heartburn. 
  8. Use loose clothing. 
  9. Do not eat just before bed.

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Posted by Dinda Nurkholifah Takwiniah, Published at 8:23 AM and have 0 comments

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