When the obstetrician positively diagnose that you are pregnant, then the feeling of joy usually will envelop you and your partner, especially for husband and wife who are already looking forward to the baby's presence.
But what about the feelings of a woman who positively -sudah pregnant- and suddenly then experience spotting / bleeding. Panic, anxiety, fear, confusion, was found to be a reasonable range of feelings.
A prospective 25-year-old young mother, was happy for her pregnancy that has been running a few months. One day, he found the presence of blood on the underwear she wore. This has never experienced before. Did not come out when menstrual blood only? His heart was wondering, once made him very anxious. Afraid something happens to the fetus. At that moment he was immediately called to make an appointment with her gynecologist.
Out spots (spots of blood) of the vagina certainly make an expectant mother worried and wondering, especially if the first-time experience. What spots are normal thing? Or a sign of danger? Well, today I will share about bleeding in pregnancy ...
What is meant by out the spots?
Out spots (also called spotting) is light bleeding that can occur at any time during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Approximately 20% of pregnant women experience spotting in the first trimester. This could be a natural part of pregnancy, but it is important to ensure that no complications occur first.
Bleeding is the most common sign of miscarriage, so any pregnant women suffering from vaginal bleeding should immediately consult with a health worker. Performed by young mothers above are correct. If you experience a lot of bleeding or severe pain and can not immediately see a doctor / midwife and went directly to the emergency room (ER) at the hospital to get help.
What's the difference with the bleeding?
The amount of blood that comes out to distinguish between plaque and bleeding. Exit discharge spots are little spots of blood from the vagina is red or brown, which may not be until soiling panties. While there are more than a bleeding spots, and soiling panties. Bleeding is clearly more serious than spots.
Spotting During Early Pregnancy
Out spots that normal or dangerous?
How to distinguish normal exit spots and dangerous? The answer depends on when it happens, the amount of blood loss, duration, and other symptoms (such as abdominal pain, discharge of blood clots or tissue, fainting, fatigue, fever). Spots of blood is considered normal when it occurs in the first trimester, are few and short-lived (less than 1 day), and no other symptoms.
What cause?
By knowing the cause out spots / bleeding during pregnancy, you can find out the symptoms of what to look for and when to ask for assistance to medical personnel. Cause out spots / bleeding different in each trimester. Bleeding in the first trimester does not always mean there is a problem. The causes are not dangerous for example:
Attachment of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall. It is normal in pregnancy. The amount of blood that comes out is very little.
Infection. During pregnancy the cervix and the vagina becomes more sensitive and if there is an infection, it could happen a local inflammation and cause spotting. And spotting will soon stop as soon as the infection is resolved.
Sexual intercourse. Because the cervix during pregnancy becomes softer and "filled with" blood vessels in it, then sexual intercourse may cause a little bleeding.
Hormonal changes. Exit spots caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy. It usually occurs in the early weeks of pregnancy, but some women can stay until the end of pregnancy.
Other causes are more serious in the first trimester are:
Miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding is an early sign of miscarriage, accompanied by abdominal pain.
Blighted ovum. Although of ultrasonography (USG) visible signs of pregnancy in the uterus, but the embryo fails to develop properly.
Ectopic pregnancy. Cell fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus. The most common is stuck in the fallopian tube, so it can not develop due to lack of nutrition. Alerts include abdominal pain and bleeding. Bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous because it can threaten the life of the mother.
A molar pregnancy (hydatidiform mole) or wine pregnancy. In these circumstances, the placenta is not formed normally. On ultrasound examination can be seen not developing fetus, but the abnormal tissue.
Unlike the first trimester, you need to be aware if there is bleeding from the vagina to the second or third trimester because it usually indicates abnormal.
The cause of bleeding in the second or third trimester include:
Injury to the cervix, for example as a result of sexual intercourse or examination that is too rough.
Diseases of the vagina or cervix, including infection.
Myoma in the uterus.
The cause is more serious in the second or third trimester is usually due to placental abnormalities, namely:
- Placenta previa: the placenta is located in the lower part of the uterus so that it covers the mouth of the cervix. The main sign is out the red blood that is not accompanied by pain, the most common in the third trimester.
- Placental abruption: some or all of the placenta separates from its attachments to the uterine wall. The blood that comes out can be a little or a lot, but always accompanied by intense abdominal pain, the most common in the third trimester.
- Preterm parturition: dilation of the cervix at 20-37 weeks gestation, accompanied by uterine contractions.
- Miscarriage. Although miscarriage is more common in the first trimester, there is still a risk of miscarriage in the next trimester.
If bleeding occurs after 28 weeks gestation, immediately come to the hospital because it is an emergency. Bleeding that occurs can be many or few in number, and with or without abdominal pain. Do not underestimate this bleeding because bleeding is one of the biggest causes of maternal mortality in Indonesia.
How to prevent it?
Yes we can not prevent the spots do not come out? Of course, with diligent control to the doctor / midwife early in pregnancy so that it can detect early abnormalities. Avoid smoking and drugs as a risk factor for bleeding during pregnancy, while also not good for your health in general. Well, if you run out spots during pregnancy, calm yourself, while remaining alert to any signs of danger above.
When you experience it ....
If you run out spots in the first trimester, you need to do at home is to lie down, calm your mind, plenty of water to replace the blood that comes out, and for a while do not do the first husband-wife relationship. Note the number of pads you use and the amount of blood that comes out is increased or decreased.
After that, talk to your doctor / midwife. Give more information, including the amount of blood loss, number of pads that you wear, the presence of blood clots / tissue come out (bring a blood clot / network to be examined), and the presence of abdominal pain. But if out of spotting or bleeding occurs in the second or third trimester, you should immediately come to ask for medical help, do not delay!
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